@...COMBOBOXEX DEFINE COMBOBOXEX Creates a extend combobox control.
![]() ![]() ![]() |
Creates a extend combobox control.
Standard Window:
@ <nRow> ,<nCol> COMBOBOXEX <ControlName>
[ OF | PARENT <ParentWindowName> ]
[ ITEMS <caItems> ]
[ ITEMSOURCE <ItemSourceField> ]
[ VALUE <nValue> ]
[ VALUESOURCE <ValueSourceField> ]
[ WIDTH <nWodth> ]
[ HEIGHT <nHeight>]
[ LISTWIDTH <nValue> ]
[ FONT <cFontName> SIZE <nFontSize> ]
[ TOOLTIP <cToolTipText> ]
[ BACKCOLOR <aBackColor> ]
[ FONTCOLOR <aFontColor> ]
[ ON GOTFOCUS <OnGotFocusProcedur> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON CHANGE <OnChangeProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON LOSTFOCUS <OnLostFocusProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON ENTER <OnEnterProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON DISPLAYCHANGE <OnDisplayChangeProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON LISTDISPLAY <OnListDisplayProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON LISTCLOSE <OnListCloseProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ HELPID <nHelpId> ]
[ IMAGE <aImage> ]
[ IMAGELIST <ImageList> ]
SplitBox Window:
COMBOBOXEX <ControlName>
[ OF | PARENT <ParentWindowName> ]
[ ITEMS <caItems> ]
[ ITEMSOURCE <ItemSourceField> ]
[ VALUE <nValue> ]
[ VALUESOURCE <ValueSourceField> ]
[ WIDTH <nWodth> ]
[ HEIGHT <nHeight>]
[ LISTWIDTH <nValue> ]
[ FONT <cFontName> SIZE <nFontSize> ]
[ TOOLTIP <cToolTipText> ]
[ BACKCOLOR <aBackColor> ]
[ FONTCOLOR <aFontColor> ]
[ ON GOTFOCUS <OnGotFocusProcedur> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON CHANGE <OnChangeProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON LOSTFOCUS <OnLostFocusProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON ENTER <OnEnterProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON DISPLAYCHANGE <OnDisplayChangeProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON LISTDISPLAY <OnListDisplayProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ON LISTCLOSE <OnListCloseProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ HELPID <nHelpId> ]
[ GRIPPERTEXT <cGripperText> ]
[ IMAGE <aImage> ]
[ IMAGELIST <ImageList> ]
Alternate Syntax:
[ ID <nId> ]
[ PARENT <ParentWindowName> ]
COL <nCol>
ROW <nRow>
[ ITEMS <caItems> ]
[ ITEMSOURCE <ItemSourceField> ]
[ VALUE <nValue> ]
[ VALUESOURCE <ValueSourceField> ]
[ WIDTH <nWodth> ]
[ HEIGHT <nHeight>]
[ LISTWIDTH <nValue> ]
[ FONTNAME <cFontname>
[ FONTSIZE <nFontsize> ]
[ FONTBOLD < .T. | .F.> ]
[ FONTITALIC < .T. | .F.> ]
[ FONTUNDERLINE < .T. | .F.> ]
[ FONTSTRIKEOUT < .T. | .F.> ]
[ TOOLTIP <cToolTipText> ]
[ BACKCOLOR <aBackColor> ]
[ FONTCOLOR <aFontColor> ]
[ ONGOTFOCUS <OnGotFocusProcedur> | <bBlock> ]
[ ONCHANGE <OnChangeProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ONLOSTFOCUS <OnLostFocusProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ONENTER <OnEnterProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ONDISPLAYCHANGE <OnDisplayChangeProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ONLISTDISPLAY <OnListDisplayProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ ONLISTCLOSE <OnListCloseProcedure> | <bBlock> ]
[ NOTABSTOP < .T. | .F.> ]
[ HELPID <nHelpId> ]
[ INVISIBLE < .T. | .F.> ]
[ IMAGE <aImage> ]
[ IMAGELIST <ImageList> ]
COMBOBOXEX accept, as <caImages>, character array with resources BITMAP
(only!) items.
<caImages> can be one_dimmensional array {"pic1","pic2","pic3"} or
contains 2 elements array as one item i.e ("Pic1",{"Pic2","selPic2"},"pic3"} .
In first situation "pic1" will be used also as selected item picture,
in second situation "selPic2" will be used as picture for selected item.
COMBOBOXEX accepts ImageList defined with three bitmaps on one position also alternatively.IMAGE and IMAGELIST clauses can't be used simultaneously.
When COMBOBOXEX holds data from database (ITEMSOURCE set), then only
first element of <caImages> is used.
COMBOBOXEX do not have SORT clause (present in standard COMBO)
In a ComboBox the 'Height' clause refers to the total height (considering extended list height)
When used in control definition, ITEM property must be a character array.
When ITEMSOURCE property is set to a fieldname, 'Value' property
uses the physical record number, as in browse.
If you set the VALUESOURCE property to a fieldname, its content is
returned instead the physical record number.
Set / Gets ComboBoxEx value.
| |
Set / Gets enabled state of a ComboBoxEx control
| |
Set / Gets visible a ComboBoxEx control.
| |
Set / Gets item text in a ComboBoxEx
| |
Get item count in a ComboBoxEx
| |
Set / Gets row position of
a ComboBoxEx control.
| |
Set / Gets column position of a ComboBoxEx control.
| |
Set / Gets width of a ComboBoxEx control.
| |
Set / Gets height of a ComboBoxEx control.
| |
Set / Gets list width of a gui object.
| |
Set / Gets ComboBoxEx control's font name.
| |
Set / Gets ComboBoxEx control's font size.
| |
Set / Gets ComboBoxEx control's font bold property
| |
Set / Gets ComboBoxEx control's font italic property
| |
Set / Gets ComboBoxEx control's font underline property
| |
Set / Gets ComboBoxEx control's font strikeout property
| |
Set / Gets ComboBoxEx control's tooltip text.
| |
Set / Gets value of a gui object
| |
Set / Gets user property 'Cargo' for ComboBoxEx control
| |
Retrieves the name of a ComboBoxEx control.
| |
Parent (D)
Set the name as character identifier of the parent window.
Set the numeric help topic identifier of the control.
| |
NoTabStop (D)
Sets whether an element behavior can't receive focus and participate in
the tabbing sequence
ItemSource (D)
Filled the ComboBox with the content of a table field.
DisplayEdit (D)
Allows user to edit selected item text in display area.
Break (D)
Control passes to the statement that follows the terminated statement.
GripperText (D)
Set the caption for the gripping
D: Available at control definition only
R: Read-Only
An action to be performed when getting the focus
| |
An action to be performed when generic changing of the control
| |
Action to be performed when changing of display the control
| |
Action to be performed when closed of display the control
| |
Action to be performed when closed of list the control
| |
An action to be performed when losing the focus.
| |
Action to be performed when pressing a Enter key
Shows a ComboBoxEx control
| |
Hides a ComboBoxEx control
| |
Add a new item to a ComboBoxEx control
| |
Deletes an item from a ComboBoxEx control
| |
Deletes all items from a ComboBoxEx control
| |
Gives the focus to a ComboBoxEx control
| |
Releases a ComboBoxEx control from memory
| |
Save a
ComboBoxEx control as BitMap file.