Method New() Constructor from source code of the Class.
Parameters: nRow,
nCol, nWidth, nHeigth, bLine, aHeaders, aColSizes, oWnd, cField, uVal1,
uVal2, bChange, bLDblClick, bRClick, oFont, oCursor, aColors, cMsg, lUpdate,
cAlias, lPixel, bWhen, lDesign, bValid, lCellBrw, nStyle, bLClick, aActions
Method ReDefine() Constructor from resources of the Class.
Parameters: nId,
bLine, oDlg, aHeaders, aColSizes, cField, uVal1, uVal2, bChange, bLDblClick, bRClick, oFont, oCursor, nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, lUpdate, cAlias, bWhen, bValid,
lCellBrw, bLClick
AddColumn( oColumn ) It adds a column to Browse, previously defined with the constructor
column method TSColumn:New() , or with the Command DEFINE COLUMN
oColumn ..
BeginPaint() Internal use, called from method Display() .
BugUp() It calls Method UpStable().
ChangeFont( oFont,
nColumn, nLevel )
DbSkipper( nToSkip ) Internally used; it controls the database record pointer.
Default() Internal use; actions to initialize the Browser.
DelColumn( nPos )
Destroy() Internal use; it destroys the Browse control.
Display() Internal use- First time display of the Browse.
DrawLine( nRow ) It paints the active row or nRow.
DrawSelect() It paints the cursor on the active row.
DrawHeaders() It draws Headers, Footers, and Super-Headers.
DrawFooters() It draws the Footers.
DrawSuper() It draws the Super-Headers.
EndPaint() Internal use, called from Method Display().
Exchange( nCol1,
nCol2 ) It exchanges the column positions of the columns nCol1 and nCol2.
GetColSizes() It returns an array containing the widths of the columns in pixels.
GetColumn( nCol ) It returns a TSColumn object reference corresponding to nCol.
GoBottom() It positions the cursor on the last row of the Browse, moving the record pointer to
the last record of the database, or to the last element of other objects ( Array,
oDbf, Text, Tree, oCtx ). It is executed when the keys Ctrl+End or Ctrl+PgDn are
pressed, or when dragging to the end the vertical scroll bar.
GoDown() It positions the cursor one row down moving the pointer to the next record in
database, or the next element on other objects. It is executed when the Down
Arrow key is pressed.
GoEnd() It positions the cursor on the last visible column on screen.
GoHome() It positions the cursor on the first visible column on screen.
GoLeft() It moves the cursor one column Left.
GoNext() It moves the cursor to the next editable column to the Right, or to the first editable
column on the next row.
GoPos( nNewRow,
nNewCol ) It moves the cursor on the row nNewRow and column nNewCol.
GoRight() It moves the cursor one column Right.
GotFocus() Uso interno, algunas acciones al recibir el foco el Browse, entre las que destaca la
evaluación del bloque de código bGotFocus.
GoTop() It positions the cursor on the first row of the Browse, moving the record pointer to the
first database record, or the first element of the other objects ( Array, oDbf, Text,
Tree, oCtx ).
GoUp() It positions the cursor one row up, moving the pointer to the previous database record, or
the previous element on other objects.
HiliteCell( nCol ) It positions the cursor on the column nCol. If used when activating the Browse,
it will be displayed with the cursor on this column.
InsColumn( nPos,
oColumn ) It inserts a column (object TSColumn oColumn ) in the position nPos.
KeyChar( nKey,
nFlags ) Internal use.- It executes actions depending on the key nKey pressed. It
evaluates the Code Block bKeyChar.
KeyDown( nKey,
nFlags ) Internal use.- Similar to KeyChar(). It evaluates the Code Block bKeyDown.
LButtonDown( nRowPix,
nColPix, nKeyFlags ) Internal use.- It executes related actions with the
Left Click of the mouse. It evaluates the Code Block bLClick.
LDblClick( nRowPix,
nColPix, nKeyFlags ) Internal use.- It executes related actions with the
Double Click of the mouse. It evaluates the Code Block bLDblClick.
lEditCol( uVar,
nCol, cPicture, bValid, nClrFore, nClrBack, cMsg, cError, bWhen, lSpinner, bUp,
bDown, bMin, bMax ) It executes the data editing of the cells. You can use this
method from your program in personalized editing functions. This Method will
return a value of .T. (True) if the editing ended normally, and .F. (False) if the
user cancelled editing.
lIgnoreKey( nKey,
nFlags )
LoadFields( lEditable )
Look3D( lOnOff,
nColumn, nLevel, lPhantom )
LostFocus( hCtlFocus ) Internal use. It is activated when the Browse looses focus. It evaluates
the Code Block bLostFocus.
MButtonDown( nRow,
nCol, nKeyFlags ) Internal use.- It is activated when the central mouse
button is pressed (on 3-button-mouse). It evaluates the Code Block bMButtonDown, receiving the same parameters.
MoveColumn( nColPos,
nNewPos ) It changes the position of one column inside the Browse, if
the variable ::lMoveCols is .T. .
nLogicPos() It returns the logical position inside the active index.
nRowCount() Internal use.- It counts the displayable rows of the Browse.
PageUp( ) It moves the cursor and the record pointer one page Up. It is executed when pressing
the key PgUp.
PageDown( ) It moves the cursor and the record pointer one page Down. It is executed when
pressing the key PgDn.
Paint() Internal use.- it paints the Browse. Called from Method Display().
PanHome() It moves the cursor to the first column of the current row. It is activated when
pressing the keys Shift+LeftArrow.
PanEnd() It moves the cursor to the last column of the current row. It is activated when pressing
the keys Shift+RightArrow.
PanLeft() It moves the cursor to the first visible column of the current row. Pressing the Home
key activates it.
PanRight() It moves the cursor to the last visible column of the current row. Pressing the End key
activates it.
RButtonDown( nRowPix,
nColPix, nKeyFlags ) Internal use.- it executes actions related to the
Right Click of the mouse. It evaluates the Code Block bRClicked. If the click is
done inside the Header area, TSBrowse will display a PopUp menu with options
of column and cursor moves.
Report( cTitle,
aCols, lPreview, lMultiple, lLandscape, lFromPos )
Reset() It moves the cursor and the record pointer to the top of the Browse and executes the
Method Refresh(.T.)
ResetBarPos( lInit ) Internal use.- It Defines navigation blocks of the browse and adjusts the
position of the scrolling bars.
ResetSeek() It restors the value of the variable cSeek to Null, so a new Incremental Seek can be
Seek( nKey ) This Method does all the work for the Incremental Seek.
Set3DText( lOnOff, lRaised, nColumn, nLevel, nClrLight, nClrShadow
SetAlign( nColumn,
nLevel, nAlign )
Method SetBtnGet( nCol,
cResName, bAction, nBmpWidth )
SetAppendMode( lMode ) It activates the automatic append feature.
SetArray( aArray )
SetContext( oCtx )
SetColSize( nCol,
nWidth )
SetData( nColumn,
bData, aList )
SetFilter( cField,
uVal1, uVal2 )
SetIndexCols( aCols )
SetoDBF( oDbf )
SetOrder( nColumn )
SetSelectMode( lOnOff,
bSelected )
SetSpinner( nColumn,
lOnOff, bUp, bDown, bMin, bMax )
SetTree( oTree )
SetTxtFile( oTxtFile,
cTitle, lOemToAnsi )
Skip( n )
SwitchCols( nCol1,
nCol2 )
SyncChild( aoChildBrw,
abAction )
Proper( cText ) it converts the text cText
into capital initials.